Sunday, May 29, 2022

A Lot Happening at Morning Glorious Today!

How many of you enjoy an early morning like I do? Usually by 5:30 AM, I have wiggled and squirmed enough to know it's time to get up! My office is my first stop and now that I have decided to blog again, writing to you all is my premier pleasure. 

Did I mention we just moved in to a lovely new home? Guy and I love being here but there are some projects we would like to work on to improve the appearance of both inside and out. Our oval garden in the front yard is an utter disaster and today I plan to attack it with great gusto! The only plant I know a little about that is huge and needs some severe pruning is called Leucophyllum, or Texas Sage. As always, Google helped me out with this one and I got a lot of good information. I can prune it if I want to but it is not necessary and it will grow beautifully with very little water. Texas Sage is native to Texas and Mexico and summer monsoons bring beautiful little blooms to it giving it the name barometer plant. At this stage of the game I'd say it's very full and very ugly and it needs my help! There are little elm trees popping up here and there and pretty yellow flowers lost in the chaos! This kind of work is tough for me as I use a wheeled walker to get around but I'll do my best and rest when I tire. 

My husband, Guy, will be representing the family at church this morning as I have been healing from surgery and am unable to sit straight up for long periods of time. I am one of the very lucky ones because during a CAT scan for my back, cancer was unexpectedly found in my kidney. My surgeon kept watch with MRI's for a year until it was finally decided to have it removed. Happily and with much relief I can tell you all I am cancer free! We'll see how long I last out in the oval garden!

My dear, youngest son, Sam, is stopping by today to check the plumbing under the sink in the kitchen. Sad I am because it has caused us trouble before and now it's leaking again under there somewhere. Neither one of us can get under there to check it out so all we did was got it ready for inspection from young eyes and young body! How wonderful it is to have all 3 of my lovely children living so close to us! They are kind, extremely generous with their time and oh, so helpful! 

Note writing, playing heartily with our Yorkipoo, Marcel and a bit of floral arranging will fill up the rest of my enjoyable Sunday. Oh, and I have a fun project that is perfect for today! Our pastor told us how Jewish tradition includes the hanging of a mezuzah, which means doorpost, above their door. A mezuzah is a paper scroll on which is written verses of the Torah, Deuteronomy 6:4-9, 11:13-21 and it is to be a constant reminder of God's presence. It is often kissed with the hand as the home owner enters. I find this to be a lovely tradition and want to make a mezuzah for our home so, if time allows, I'll make one for us today.

May you all have a wonderful, stress free Sunday filled with good humor, peaceful relaxation and blessings galore.  

Much love from me to you!
